‘The importance of the SDGs in the ALCHIMIA Project’
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the global goals created by the United Nations that revolve around working towards a more sustainable development and future. In 2015, they were adopted by 193 countries. This expansive list consists of 17 goals, covering multidisciplinary aspects ranging from economic, social, and environmental topics: such as but not limited to energy, economic growth, equality, and poverty. The full list of goals can be seen on the infographic below, all which work together in tandem to create a better world, and a better life, for all by 2030.
In Europe, the SDGs have been a key component in European policies – for example the EU Green Deal is at the core of Horizon Europe projects. This deal hopes to enable Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent in the world! ALCHIMIA will play a major role in doing so by improving the efficiencies of steel manufacturing, and thereby creating greener and more sustainable industries.
By analysing the impact of the SDGs in ALCHIMIA it is possible to reap the benefits of this project, as well as evaluate how similar projects within the steel sector can have a positive outcome on society and a greener industry. ALCHIMIA aims at empowering the worker’s capabilities, and digitalising part of the process through robotic collaboration and AI. It will have a huge impact on supporting green growth and will aid a transformation to a more sustainable future through different aspects of the SDGs.
In the first year of the project, ALCHIMIA partner, Mandat International, has conducted a dedicated SDG workshop with partners to identify the positive and negative impacts. This has been achieved using the methodology ‘IAM4SDG’, thanks to which the possible risks and opportunities can be thoroughly analysed of a given project with a specific focus on the 17 SDGs. This method also classifies the identified risks and opportunities SDGs by priority level, and thus allows a project to pursue actions for a greater impact.
The analysis has so far identified that the following goals are especially important to the project: SDG7, SDG9 and SDG12. Firstly, the ALCHIMIA project aims to improve energy efficiency in the steel sector, and thereby has a direct impact on SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy. By doing so, it hopes to contribute to making the industry more sustainable through innovative technologies (SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and infrastructure). It also will have a benefit on SDG 12: Responsible Production as improved technology will substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse.
For the next steps, we will be further researching those topics and coordinating with the ALCHIMIA partners about the actions we shall take to mitigate potential risks or support future opportunities.

Image 1: The Sustanable Development Goals