Statement from the Coordinator

As coordinator of the ALCHIMIA project, I am delighted to report on our progress and achievements over the past few months. Our multidisciplinary team has been working tirelessly to achieve the project’s goals.
During this period, we have successfully passed the Mid-Term Review, which was held online in May 2024. All planned deliverables and milestones have been achieved.
It’s been a real pleasure for the consortium to have had the chance to meet in person twice, first in Cardiff (UK) and then in Pisa (Italy). We had some really productive conversations, which have helped to move the project forward.
One of our major milestones this year is the Alpha version release, the first version of ALCHIMIA dedicated to the generation of the ALCHIMIA architecture, product backlog and a first Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
The public deliverables can be found on the website, I would like to encourage you to review these deliverables:
- D1.2 Data Management Plan: This report constitutes the Data Management Plan. It describes data types and provides methods for their classification, as well as roles and responsibilities for their management, storage, maintenance, etc.
- D2.1 – Requirements and human-centred recommendations: This deliverable provides the ALCHIMIA requirements and human-centred design recommendations.
- D3.1: Federated Learning Framework This deliverable analyses the possibilities of federated learning and presents the framework used in the project.
- D5.1: Preparation of use cases: This report aims to provide a clear and concise overview of the purpose and importance of use cases in the context of the project, as well as highlighting the benefits and opportunities they offer in driving innovation.
- D6.1 Plan for impact generation, standardisation and exploitation: This deliverable provides an overview of the following topics – The initial standardisation plan of the ALCHIMIA project – The initial exploitation plan and the first key exploitable results of the ALCHIMIA project.
We are proud of the progress we have made and remain committed to driving sustainable change in the metals industry. As we move forward, we will continue to leverage advanced technologies and foster strong collaboration to achieve our vision of a greener, more sustainable future.
We’ve got lots of exciting news about ALCHIMIA coming your way! We’re planning to take part in several relevant events and we’re putting the finishing touches to the Beta version, so watch this space!
Thank you for your continued support and interest in our work.
Carmen Perea Escribano Coordinator, ALCHIMIA Project